The objective of the MACBETH project (Membranes And Catalysts Beyond Economic and Technological Hurdles) is to demonstrate in operational environment (TRL 7) the performance and reliability of the catalytic membrane reactors innovative technology.
Membrane reactors will be applied to three relevant cases for the energy sector and for the chemical industry, namely hydrogen production from biogas and natural gas, propane dehydrogenation and hydroformylation.
CMR technology has already been applied to these processes in relevant environment (TRL 5) within the European projects BIONICO, CARENA and ROMEO, but it makes now a decisive step towards industrialization with more than 4,000 hours of testing for each case.
Moreover, within the MACBETH project the application of CMR technology will be for the first time extended to the biochemical industry to prove its potential in the process of selective enzymatic cleavage of fatty acids, which was previously studied by the European project COSMOS.
MACBETH technology aims at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of large-scale industrial processes by up to 45%, and at increasing energy efficiency by up to 70%. Furthermore, the production plants will be considerably smaller and safer, with decrease in CAPEX and OPEX by up to 50% and 80%, respectively.
Finally, the spin-off company “Lighthouse Catalytic Membrane Reactors”, which mainly involves Politecnico di Milano and TU/e (University of Eindhoven), will be created to commercialize the advanced models developed within the project and to act as a common platform of knowledge, integrating all tools and acquired in MACBETH.
The MACBETH Consortium involves 24 partners coordinated by the German group Evonik. Politecnico di Milano leads the modelling activity and will develop models for both the innovative membrane reactors and for the overall plant, with special focus on energy and biochemistry applications.
Macbeth has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement No 869896