EVOSYS   laser  

Evosys awarded the title of innovation champion

Letting go of the old and daring to try something new: Innovative medium-sized companies such as Evosys Laser GmbH from Erlangen, Germany are not afraid of change, but see it as an opportunity. This was the company's convincing argument in the 27th round of the TOP 100 innovation competition. EVOSYS will be among the TOP 100 from 19 June. In the scientific selection process, the company impressed in the A size category (up to 50 employees), particularly in the categories "Innovation-promoting top management" and "Climate of innovation".

Frank Brunnecker and Holger Aldebert are happy about the German award Top 100 for the company Evosys Laser GmbH in Erlangen.
Frank Brunnecker and Holger Aldebert are happy about the German award Top 100 for the company Evosys Laser GmbH in Erlangen.

The TOP 100 company EVOSYS develops and manufactures laser welding systems for the processing of plastics. These are then used, for example, in the automotive, medical technology and consumer products industries. The progressive digitalisation in particular is a challenge for the welding system specialists. "The technology we sell requires ever more complex software solutions," says Frank Brunnecker, who manages the company as a managing director duo together with Holger Aldebert. "At the same time, it is our aim to make the machines as user-friendly as possible," he adds.


The decision-making processes and workflows within the company are fast and uncomplicated, which promotes the spirit of innovation among the employees. The family atmosphere and flat hierarchies also simplify communication. "During the lunch break, our employees often sit in the kitchen together with the managers. This is also where ideas are generated that move us forward," reports Holger Aldebert. Whether in the kitchen or in the factory hall: everyone is allowed to express their thoughts at the Top Innovator. For example, one employee had the idea of introducing ecological improvements. This culminated in a Job bike model for the employees: They can lease bicycles from the company and use them to ride to work.


The TOP 100 competition:


Since 1993, compamedia has been awarding the TOP 100 seal of approval to SMEs with a particular ability to innovate and above-average success rates for innovations. Professor Nikolaus Franke has coordinated the project since 2002, and is the founder and director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. He is one of the world’s leading innovation re-searchers and has won 25 science awards and published over 200 articles. The TOP 100 is mentored by science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar and organised in partner-ship with the Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research and the German Association for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (BVMW). Media support for the company benchmarking competition is provided by manager magazin, impulse, and the trade journal Werben & Verkaufen. Further information is available at

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