
Solvay Launches New KetaSpire® PEEK for Monolayer E-Motor Magnet Wire Insulation

Solvay has announced the launch of KetaSpire® KT-857, a new polyetheretherketone (PEEK) extrusion compound designed especially for copper magnet wire insulation in electric motors. The development of the custom-engineered insulation material was driven by the move of OEMs towards higher density batteries and electric powertrains operating at 800V or above to address the range anxiety of consumers.

“Higher voltage e-motors typically require thicker magnet insulation up to 180 microns,” explains Brian Baleno, Head of Marketing, Automotive, at Solvay Materials. “In contrast to applying the insulation with a single PEEK extrusion layer, the polyimide process involves multiple application passes, which can potentially introduce defects that tend to magnify as the layers are added. On the other hand, one of the biggest challenges of standard PEEK extrusion is to obtain an adequate level of adhesion of the insulation to the copper magnet wire. Our KetaSpire® PEEK KT-857 technology eliminates both of these constraints.”

In addition to ensuring better adhesion in a faster and more cost-efficient monolayer process, Solvay’s new magnet wire PEEK insulation material also provides important sustainability benefits. The extrusion of a single insulation layer requires less energy, and in contrast to the enamel process there is no need for utilizing any volatile organic compounds. At the same time, KetaSpire® KT-857 PEEK results in a more uniform insulation layer.

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