
HASCO writes history: 1924 – 2024

The pioneer of mouldmaking celebrates its 100th anniversary.

No company has shaped the tool and mouldmaking industry to such an extent as HASCO, the Lüdenscheid/Germany-based manufacturer of standard mould units. The new year will now be marked by a very special event: in 2024, HASCO, the inventor of the standard mould unit and pioneer of mouldmaking, will celebrate its 100-year company anniversary with customers, employees and friends.

The historical and technological development of tool and mouldmaking in Germany is, however, also closely linked with the name HASCO worldwide. It is a history that began in 1924 when company founder Hugo Hasenclever built the first moulds for processing the then new material Bakelit in a cellar workshop in Lüdenscheid. It was a history that later underwent a decisive turning point through his son Rolf Hasenclever, when the latter invented the modular system for standard mould units and, in 1960, had it patented. His idea revolutionised the market. It was a milestone that paved the way for advancing from a small crafts enterprise to a globally operating company. 

Many milestones would follow and repeatedly demonstrate the reputation of a pioneering company. What was true of the analogue age of tool and mouldmaking really started for HASCO with the beginning of digitalisation in the 1980s. HASCO set innovative standards to design products and processes ever more easily for designers, mouldmakers and injection moulders. 

The claim “Enabling with System” describes in only three words how HASCO has, in 100 years, through its pioneering and inventive spirit, always pointed the way for an entire branch of industry and continues to do so today as the leading manufacturer of standardised, modular structured standard mould units and accessory components, and as a supplier of customised hot runner systems. 
In its anniversary year 2024, HASCO will report extensively about the company’s historical development and its recipe for success. It will also share these experiences with its customers around the world. Hardly anyone still knows that common products such as the shut-off coupling or the latch locking device are patented creations from Lüdenscheid in Germany. “With 100 ideas in the past and 100 ideas for the future, we will continue along the chosen path! Our aim is, as a pioneer for mouldmaking, to also set innovative milestones for the industry in the next 100 years,” says CEO Christoph Ehrlich. 

HASCO’s history is recounted in a fascinating publication, namely a two-language book (German and English). It explains that a roly-poly toy played a key role in the company’s historical development. Highlights are examined and insights are given into a company whose actions in the future will continue to be driven by the brand values of innovation, agility, simplicity and performance.

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