With these three focal points at the CFIA, SÜDPACK will certainly strike a chord. Especially because the pressure is steadily increasing on both French companies and on international suppliers who put packaging and packaged products on the market.
SPQ – trailblazing in sustainability, efficiency and quality
With SPQ (= sustainable print quality), SÜDPACK offers an innovative printing technology that sets standards in flexo and gravure printing. Most notably, SPQ significantly improves the carbon footprint of package printing. This is due in part to the standardization of the color space, which eliminates the need for spot colors. As a result, ink and solvent consumption are reduced as is ink waste. Nevertheless, it is still possible to realize virtually the entire color spectrum – all while maintaining superior print quality and excellent color brilliance. Moreover, the defined color palette makes it possible for all print designs to be represented reliably and with a high degree of automation.
With smart color management, in-house calculations performed by SÜDPACK have shown that ink and solvent waste can be reduced at best by more than 60 percent in the implementation of printed images.
Recyclable films and packaging
… are an important building block for fulfilling the current requirements regarding ambitious recycling rates. That is why SÜDPACK systematically expanded its portfolio years ago to include sustainable high-performance films and packaging concepts.
The leader in technology and innovation now offers its customers around the world an unparalleled product range for a wide variety of applications. The range includes not only PP-based materials, but also PE and PET concepts. The monomaterial film laminates impress with their low material consumption and recyclability. At the same time, they provide the same product protection as composite materials composed of different polymers and can be equipped with convenience features such as reclose systems or peelability.
Holistic eco-balancing of packaging solutions
Thanks to the implementation of its life cycle analysis tool last year, SÜDPACK is now able to analyze the entire life cycle of packaging solutions in terms of their environmental impact and to evaluate it based on solid facts. In addition to greenhouse gases (CO2e), additional environmental impact categories are also taken into account. This includes the fossil energy use that a material involves as well as the ecotoxicity and human toxicity, meaning the toxic effect on animals, plants and people. For the calculation, SÜDPACK uses a cradle-to-grave approach that also takes different end-of-life options into account within defined system limits.
The tool is used consistently by the film specialists in the development process for their own products. SÜDPACK also offers the eco-balancing service to its customers who would like to review or optimize their existing packaging concepts and to those who would like to evaluate more sustainable packaging alternatives.