Processors using PPAX can take advantage of the high melt temperatures possible with PPA, for example to shorten cycle times, without being limited by the color masterbatch. Testing carried out by Tosaf Color Service at processing temperatures of up to 340°C yielded outstanding results. Even higher temperatures are possible, but must first be confirmed by the processor’s own testing. PPAX-colored samples have demonstrated their high lightfastness and weather resistance. All the colors combine elevated long-term thermal stability with an ability to withstand transient exposure to very high temperatures, for example during soldering.
As Rudolf Reinhart, Product Manager at Tosaf Color Service, explains: “PPAX enables us to meet the requirements of industries in which electrical and electronic components are exposed to high thermal loads. These include, in particular, the automotive industry with its focus on e-mobility, as well as manufacturers of kitchen appliances and white goods, which require color-coded plug connectors for a wide range of electrical outlets. This new high-temperature carrier system with its 28 standard colors makes it possible to prepare virtually any conceivable shade and so, of course, also match a manufacturer’s brand colors.”
And Sales Manager Andreas Kruschinski adds: “The market for such high-performance products is actually still quite limited at the moment. All the same, we have deliberately pushed ahead with this development at the present time because we can see that our customers’ requirements in the E+E sector are increasing, as is demand. To round off, a UL94 V-0 rating is also imminent, so we’ll be able to meet the widest possible range of requirements.”